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We model information dissemination as a susceptible-infected epidemic process and formulate a  problem to  jointly  optimize  seeds  for  the  epidemic  and  time  varying resource allocation over the period of a fixed duration campaign running  on  a  social  network  with  a  given  adjacency  matrix. Individuals  in  the   network  are  grouped  according  to  their centrality  measure and each group is influenced by an external control function—implemented through advertisements—during the  campaign  duration.  The  aim  is  to  maximize  an  objective function  which  is  a  linear  combination  of  the  reward  due  to the  fraction  of  informed  individuals  at  the  deadline,  and  the aggregated  cost  of  applying  controls  (advertising)   over   the campaign  duration.  We  also  study  a   problem   variant  with a  fixed  budget  constraint.  We  set  up  the  optimality  system using  Pontryagins  Maximum  Principle  from  optimal  control theory  and  solve  it  numerically  using  the  forward-backward sweep  technique. Our formulation allows us to compare the performance of various centrality measures (page rank,  degree, closeness  and  between’s)  in  maximizing  the   spread  of  a message   in   the   optimal   control   framework.   We   find  that degreea  simple  and  local   measure—performs  well  on  the three  social  networks   used  to  demonstrate  results:  scientific collaboration,   Slashdot  and  Face book.  The  optimal  strategy targets  central  nodes  when  the  resource  is  scarce,  but  non- central nodes are targeted when the resource is in  abundance. Our framework is general and can be used  in similar studies for  other  disease  or  information  spread  modelsthat  can  be modelled using a system of  ordinary differential equationsfor a network with a  known adjacency matrix.











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