This paper represents the design, development and validation of metal based autonomous robotic system for military application. Security is the first priority in today’s unsecured life. In existing system used to design a robotic system for military applications using Bluetooth technology, but in this paper to control, monitoring and detecting objects by using zigbee technology. Here in this paper robot is controlled through PC. The purpose of the paper is to implement a system in military areas and also to monitor the locations by using cam which is connected to robot. In this paper consists of two sections one is transmitter section and other one is receiver section. When unmanned ground combat vehicles ( UGCVs ) are used for surveillance, information must often be transmitted to a base st ation in real time. However, limited communication ranges and the common requirement of free line of sight may make direct transmissions from distant targets impossible. This problem can be solved using relay chains consisting of o ne or more intermediate relay UGCVs. This leads to the problem of positioning such relays given known obstacles, while taking into account a possibly mission-specific quality measure. The maximum quality of a chain may depend strongly on the number of UGCVs allocated. Therefore, it is desirable to either generate a chain of maximum quality given the available UGCVs or allow a choice from a spectrum of Pareto-optimal chains corresponding to different trade-offs between the number of UGCVs used and the resulting quality. We show how sets of Pareto-optimal chains can be generated using graph search and present a new label-correcting algorithm generating such chains significantly more efficiently than the best-known algorithms in the literature. Finally, we present a new dual ascent algorithm with better performance for certain tasks and situations.